Monday, November 28, 2016

The Feldenkrais Gym!

I'm teaching a three-hour workshop at the Feldenkrais Institute of New York on Wednesday, November 30 at 6:30 pm. The workshop is titled, The Feldenkrais Gym, and I've realized the title has the potential to cause some confusion.

The workshop is not about helping your typical gym routine, making yourself stronger or specifically improving anything you do at your "regular" gym.

I chose the title because of the diversity of activities available at nearly any gym. You can use aerobic exercise machines, lift weights, work with a personal trainer, take a variety of classes, swim (at some gyms), sit in the sauna or steam room, etc. I want the workshop title to evoke the variety of activities available at the gym.  However, unlike going to a gym, where you choose your activities, at the Feldenkrais Gym, the teacher will choose what we all explore.

During 2017 at the Feldenkrais Institute, both Josh Wolk and I will each teach two evening workshops in which we will "follow our own curiosity." I won't speak for Josh, but my evenings likely won't focus on improving the function of a particular joint or movement pattern (although that will likely be a frequent outcome), but rather, during each evening, we will seek to explore The Feldenkrais Method in the way I think Dr. Feldenkrais envisioned--engaging in a process where a series of Awareness Through Movement lessons, by stimulating your nervous system to find more synergistic patterns, results in an improvement to your entire organism--you end up feeling better because you have actually made yourself better. Whatever the topic we use as our backdrop to explore, this will always be my goal in these workshops.

This week, we'll explore three entirely different ways to do, essentially, the same thing. Improving options always results in a greater sense of freedom and freedom always feels great!

Come to the Feldenkrais Gym and give yourself the pleasant workout you deserve.

For more information or to register, contact The Feldenkrais Institute of New York at 212-727-1014.